Port Explorer Translators

We graciously thank the following kind people for donating their time and translation skills so that more people around the world can enjoy the power of Port Explorer with an accurate translation in their native language.

Dutch Jooske van der Burg  (Beta Tester)
English Jason Annice  (Port Explorer Lead Programmer)
French Matthieu Gosset
German Frank Rogall
Italian Maurizio Zucchelli
Portuguese Fred Tillman  (Beta Tester)
Spanish Antonio Perez and Rodrigo Soto
Swedish Mattias Flodin and Ludvig Strigeus

We would not be able to make Port Explorer a truly international application without the help of these generous people.

For privacy reasons we don't disclose the email addresses of translators, but if you would like to contact a translator please send your message to portexplorer@diamondcs.com.au and we will forward your message directly to the translator. However, we cannot guarantee that you will receive a reply from them - this is the sole discrepancy of the translator.

Copyright ⌐ 2002-2003 Diamond Computer Systems Pty. Ltd. - http://www.diamondcs.com.au
DiamondCS Port Explorer Website - http://www.diamondcs.com.au/portexplorer